I take a documentary approach to your wedding day, with an emphasis on capturing the emotion, love, and family connections. I want to hear about who you are and what makes you love each other so that we can create images together that capture exactly what makes the two of you awesome: your laying-on-the-couch-together snuggles, your crinkled noses, head thrown back real laughter, those giant heart eyes you get when you look at the person you’ve decided to spend your life with.
All you have to do is be fully present on your wedding day with the people you love most.
You are so excited to marry the person who makes you laugh the hardest.
You’re down with going with the flow, but are also kind of super into making lists.
You can’t wait to dance the night away with all of the people who mean the most to you. (Return of the Mack is my jam, in case you’re taking requests).
You want to look at your wedding photos with your grandkids (or furbababies) on your lap and be reminded of the things that made your relationship unique, all the love that surrounded you, and how incredibly happy you looked together on your wedding day.
Any of this sound familiar? There’s a good chance that we might be MFEO (made for each other).